Thursday, August 4, 2016

Doing my bit for Robin hood army

A little thought for someone less fortunate

This was two  days back when I was on my way from Delhi. As usual they served us dinner in flight. Among the other things, they served a bun and also some butter, I was terribly hungry and  ate most of the meal but left these two out. Now normally I am very particular about not wasting food, so was feeling a bit guilty .I also know from my past experience that airlines throw all the leftovers out as garbage. They don't sort it. Then on the spur of the moment, I decided to pack it with me instead of letting it go. I collected same items from my other colleagues. They  were very supportive. I decided to do the Robin-hood army thing. Collected the  3 buns and 3 small cubes of butter all in a carry bag. I must admit I was embarrassed to do so. Then I had thought, at least 40% of people must have not eaten this bread butter. Not to mention the sugar and creamer that we all wasted. So  much food would have made  any poor  family  happy. Almost 40 sugar packets. That was a lot. What if we made an  announcement  and collected all leftovers, wouldn't that be a great idea. But then I wonder, we are all so conscious about how  people will perceive us and I am no different.

The flight was  delayed and I  reached home past midnight
By the time I reached home, I realised I was still carrying them. I decided to give them to my watchman. And can't tell  you how happy he was to have perfect bun pav along with his chai

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